12 novembre 2017 ~ 0 Commentaire

An injury settlement gives the team roster flexibility in case of an injury but covers surgery, medical care and a porti

An injury settlement gives the team roster flexibility in case of an injury but covers surgery, medical care and a portion of the total salary for the player.. How will the rookie quarterbacks fare? None of the first round draft picks was in a position to start at the beginning of the summer, DeShone Kizer, […]

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02 novembre 2017 ~ 0 Commentaire

This would be a great time for our community to show support for our military community by supporting this cause or othe

This would be a great time for our community to show support for our military community by supporting this cause or others that continue to serve them after they serve us. I implore Trump to cease military ad spending with the NFL Stop providing Air Force flyovers Stop providing Armed Service color/honor guards Remove any […]

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28 octobre 2017 ~ 0 Commentaire

Despite my disappointment, I am not surprised by today’s announcement. Looking good in his Vikings debut was Elflein, wh

Despite my disappointment, I am not surprised by today’s announcement. Looking good in his Vikings debut was Elflein, who became the first rookie to start an opener for the team since Mick Tingelhoff in 1962. In the first three weeks of this season? That stat has dropped to 15.65 million viewers.My oh my, could it […]

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